EUWENA Secretary Koen Mioulet presents at LStelecom’s Spectrum Summit
June 28th German consultancy company LStelcom performed its renowned annual Spectrum Summit in Lichtenau. Our secretary Koen Mioulet has attended the event for the last 10 years; of which the last 2 editions were virtual due to Covid 19. The Spectrum Summit deals with specialist spectrum topics for an audience of typically regulators from Europe and beyond, some 150 of them.
The Spectrum Summit is the ideal platform to talk to regulators about private spectrum and thus Koen presented private wireless at the seminar on behalf of EUWENA. The presentation a part of a session on the economic merits of spectrum availability. More on the programme on
In the session EUWENA was in, 2 other presenters spoke about respectively spectrum for satellite and notably new entrants and a UK consultant presented the macro-economic impact of spectrum for operators. Chaired by Martin Sims from Policy Tracker; this session was a nuanced and balanced debate between private and operator spectrum.
EUWENA Secretary Koen Mioulet Prestenting at last weeks LStelecom’s Spectrum Summit
In addition, there was a session on experiences so far with private spectrum in which Siemens presented on behalf of 5G-ACIA and SWF – Süd West Funk, the local broadcaster of Baden Wurtemberg – presented its use of 5G for new nomadic systems for on-site event recording. The 5G-ACIA plea was very much in line with ours/EUWENA’s, so once more the alignment between the goals of these associations was apparent.
There also was a whole session on private wireless and spectrum management for event registration; an application of private 5G that is merging and very demanding.
With these three sessions, over half of the programme was devoted to private wireless! The regulators in the room must have gotten a balanced view on what private spectrum entails and brings to the economy.
Some interesting leads were developed – potential new members - and further alignment with 5G-ACIA was agreed on the spot.